The way Mexican restaurants approach plant-based options depends on many factors — guests’ preferences, price considerations, and the overall concept among them.

One plant-based Mexican restaurant in Chicago named Cesar’s Killer Margaritas offers a separate menu for meatless options that are truly unique. Another plant-based Mexican restaurant in Las Vegas named Tacotarian goes full vegan but offers more familiar dishes.

Two Mexican restaurants with two different approaches, but both know adding more plant-based dishes to menus seems to be ideal to rising food prices and demand for meatless options.

When you’re talking about paying $15/lb. for skirt steak, and then you compare that to carrot pieces, there’s no question about the effect it has economically,” Duran says.

Seventy-five percent of our customer base doesn’t identify as vegetarian or vegan. They just crave good Mexican food, and ours happens to be made from plants,” says Corral.